Lady with dog in Chefchaouen
Pliva Falls, Bosnia and Herzogovina
Sahara Desert, Morocco

Get In Touch

Greetings, fellow wanderers! We’re thrilled to share our travel adventures and tips with you! Connecting with kindred spirits like you is an absolute joy, so drop us a line anytime. We’re all ears and ready to tackle your burning travel questions head-on.


One of our biggest challenges of working remotely, travelling and sharing our passion is answering so many emails quickly, but we’re up for the challenge!


Dive into our FAQsโ€”you might just find your answer there. And if not, fear not! We promise to pull out all the stops and get back to you ASAP. Adventure awaits, and so do we!

Couple on Sao Miguel

Hey there, wonderful soul! Thinking about us means the world to us, and knowing you care makes our blogging journey all the more rewarding. Balancing it all can be a bit of a high-wire act, but your support fuels our passion!

If our adventures inspire you, here are some fantastic ways you can join us on this thrilling ride:

  • Dive into the blog post that inspired you, and drop us a comment sharing your thoughts.
  • Head to our social media on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok and save for inspo.
  • Spread the joy by sharing your favourite posts with your awesome friends.

Your feedback is our secret sauce, and your positive vibes keep us going strong. Feel free to email us if you have personal queries. Still, you know what they say โ€“ social media is our happy place to keep up with the amazing community we’re building. Can’t wait to connect with you there!ย 

Embracing full-time travel on a budget requires strategic planning and a commitment to frugality. While some might assume that being a full-time traveller means escaping work entirely, the reality is that we actively seek opportunities to sustain our adventures. Our secret lies in meticulous budgeting and prioritising experiences over extravagance. We’ve written a detailed post for saving money while travellingโ€”be sure to explore it for detailed insights into our budget-friendly travel approach.

The primary source of income for our extended travels is derived mainly from our passion for content writing. In addition to revenue generated through our blog and collaborative efforts, a substantial portion comes from our content creation services provided to clients. We take great pleasure in crafting engaging and informative content, and it serves as a fulfilling and sustainable source of income, allowing us to continue our long-term exploration with enthusiasm.

We opt for spontaneous accommodations with various individuals, ranging from newfound friends during our journey to friends of friends. The most important is that these people are known for their warmth and friendliness, especially when it comes to interacting with strangers. Additionally, we use trustworthy platforms like Couchsurfing, a legitimate resource connecting travellers with hospitable locals who generously offer free accommodations.

The Balkans stand out as our preferred budget-friendly destinations, with their inherent beauty and affordability making the choice a delightful challenge. If we were to narrow it down to our top three picks, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia would undoubtedly claim those spots.

Backpacking in less-travelled destinations presents a unique adventure and challenges. While it adds more excitement, it also demands good preparation. In these offbeat locations, you may encounter hurdles like the absence of direct transportation or ATMs, making it riskier. We advise you to research and plan well before going on such journeys. If you’re new to backpacking, starting with well-explored countries is advisable. However, if you prefer the less-travelled destinations, consider opting for a guided experience for your initial journey into these uncharted countries.

Our travels go beyond exploring new destinations; we always try to contribute and make a difference when possible. Before each trip, we seek organisations where our assistance can be valuable. Contacting them in advance allows us to understand the procedures and requirements involved. Volunteering always ends up being one of the best experiences. Witnessing the smiles on the faces of those in need reinforces the profound satisfaction derived from contributing to meaningful causes during our travels.

Embracing and appreciating diverse cultures, particularly those in the Middle East, is our passion. The key to navigating cultural differences involves understanding, avoiding stereotypes, embracing diversity, encouraging communication, resolving conflicts amicably, and maintaining flexibility throughout our travels.

Planning an extended travel itinerary is a common query we receive, and recognising the multitude of factors involved, we’ve crafted an ultimate guide to facilitate the seamless planning of your backpacking journey. For an effortless and worry-free experience, explore our detailed guide.

Selecting a single favourite memory from our backpacking adventures is challenging, given the multitude of beautiful experiences. If we have to narrow it down, our top three favourites include:


  • Encountering a wild bear on the Transfฤƒgฤƒrฤƒศ™an Road in Romania.
  • Watching a football game at Olympic NSC Ukraine.
  • Experiencing the exhilarating ziplining adventure in Kosovo.

5 Ways to Support Us

1. Drop us a comment on the blog post that sparked your greatest inspiration

2. Spread the word by sharing our blog posts with your friends

3. Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok by following us on social media

4. Secure your flights, accommodations, and any food experiences through our links

5.ย Fuel our work by buying us a coffee to stay energised while crafting this blog

THANK YOU for being part of our community and supporting our passion for travel.

We invite you to delve into our blog, explore the information, and enjoy planning your next adventure stress-free.

Happy travels, and thank you for being a part of our journey!

Couple smiling
Couple smiling