Lady with dog in Chefchaouen
Pliva Falls, Bosnia and Herzogovina
Sahara Desert, Morocco

Hitchhiking Adventures – 10 Tips and All You Need to Know

A couple hitcchiking

Hitchhiking Adventures – 10 Tips and All You Need to Know

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Wandering Beyond


To begin with, we’re NOT expert hitchhikers or high-level advisers! We only want to help through our experiences all those who wish to start hitchhiking but are scared to do so.


Hitchhiking is a subject we love talking about. It’s a fantastic experience that’s usually reliable and free. When we tried to hitchhike the first time, we were super excited about this new adventure and, at the same time, were quite anxious as we had no idea what was waiting for us.


That anxiety faded as soon as we did our first hitchhike in Macedonia! After that, we got addicted and couldn’t stop hitchhiking! During our hitchhiking adventures, we met random people, including families, a couple of friends, bus drivers, taxi drivers and a professor who stopped for us.

Today, whenever we want to move from a destination, city and sometimes even country, we don’t search for buses or trains immediately anymore. First, we try hitchhiking whenever it’s possible. 


But what is hitchhiking, and is it easy? 


Hitchhiking is a great way of meeting new people and saving money simultaneously. It’s a different, exciting travel adventure. Of course, sometimes you have long hours of waiting time, but eventually worth it! 


At first, you may find hitchhiking frustrating. It’s essential to be patient. VERY patient! There’s no time for frustration. You’ll see cars passing by, and nobody stops for you; the sun is scorching or windy and cold, you get tired and need to rest, maybe you get hungry, and no shops are seen around. 

Yes, these are all facts you might face. We experienced all of them. Sometimes, someone picked us up in less than five minutes, but we spent over three hours trying to hitchhike other times! Don’t give up; be persistent and keep trying. In the end, someone will stop for you! 


If you never hitchhiked before and wish to try it, but somehow you’re scared or unsure, the following is for you.


10 tips that will help you hitchhike like a pro! 


1. Be flexible with your day plans 


When you hitchhike, you never know if you’ll be picked up immediately, nor will you be sure where you’ll arrive. It’s part of the adventure, right? If you have a flight in 2 hours, don’t try hitchhiking; you might ruin all the fun! No one wants to lose a flight!


2. Search for the best pick-up spots 


Ideally, find places where cars can easily pull over in a safe place. Near gas stations, bus stops, or the countryside is perfect. You can also take advantage of slow-moving traffic, where the drivers might notice you more. 


If you try hitchhiking on highways, you’re probably not getting a ride as it’s hard for cars to stop there, especially for larger trucks and lorries; it’s hard for them to stop if they’re driving at high speed.

Gas station in Kosovo
3. Write your next destination on a cardboard 


Now, you have to show your creativity. =) Find a piece of cardboard and write your next destination on it. Make it clear and large so the drivers can easily read what you’re telling them. This sign is key to communicating with the drivers. 


You can also make it a little fancy to show the one stopping for you that you’ll make his drive fun. Even if where you’re heading is too far for them, you’ll find one person who gives you a lift to the next town. 


If you’re hitchhiking in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tip No.10 is for you. 

A couple hitchhiking
4. Make strong eye contact with the driver and stick out your thumb 

This is very important. Making strong eye contact with the driver creates more connections. This gives the driver the impression that you’re looking specifically at him and need help.

Man hitchhiking
5. Be Positive and Smile 


Remember that you will be that driver’s company during that ride. Don’t let that person regret that they stopped for you. Being positive and smiling can change a person’s mood, especially if they’re tired of driving long hours to get home.

Lady hitchhiking
6. Split Your Ride in multiple stops 


If you have hours until your destination, split your ride. Ask the driver to stop you anywhere convenient for them within an hour. Sometimes, the driver might take you directly to your request, even if it’s a 3-hour ride. If they can’t stop you that far, be grateful if they stop you in the next town or a better hitchhiking spot. It would help if you always accepted any offers.


7. Dress Properly  


The first impression is always essential. When a driver spots you, it only takes them a split second to decide whether to stop for you. Keep in mind that to the driver, you’re a stranger. Don’t worry if you’re a little messy and scruffy; most backpackers look like that, but if you’re sweating like crazy, clean yourself with some wet wipes before and be sure you do not smell bad.


8. Pack Suitably 


If you try hitchhiking with huge backpacks and give the attention you’re over-packed, most drivers might not stop for you because of space issues, especially if they own a small vehicle. When you travel light, it gives you more chances and other possibilities.

Backpacks on the ground
9. Be Cautious


Don’t just jump in the first car that stops for you. Start with a small conversation with the driver to ensure you’re comfortable getting a ride from him/her. To feel safer, ideally, hitchhike with someone else. It can be your partner or even a friend.


Female hitchhikers should be more cautious. Know the risks of hitchhiking alone, especially at night. If you have a choice, you should team up with another person to feel more protected. 


10. Extra tip for hitchhiking in Bosnia and Herzegovina


When using cardboard as a sign, avoid writing down the number of kilometres (km) you need for your lift. Signals like 10km can easily be misunderstood, as “km” in Bosnia and Herzegovina isn’t understood as kilometres. Since their currency is KM (Convertible Marka), you might be asked to pay them the amount you have written when you arrive at the destination. (Although it doesn’t break the bank if you give them something in return or buy them a drink as an appreciation).

Bosnian Money

During your hitchhiking adventures, you’ll realise that most drivers who stop for you have been driving alone for long hours. They would love to communicate with someone and keep them company for some time. Many drivers stop for hitchhikers to hear their travel stories and share some of their own.


Sharing your travel adventures with them can easily stimulate their mood while at the same time learning something from you through your experiences.


Hitchhiking has been one of our best teachers. It taught us to be more grateful for everything that comes our way. If you never hitchhiked before, don’t be scared. Get out of your comfort zone and try it out. It’s a fun adventure, and we’re sure you’ll love it as much as we do!


All of those who love hitchhiking, is there a tip that we didn’t mention and want to share with us? Drop it in the comments below =)

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We're Norbert and Steff, a couple from the tiny island of Malta. Our love story began in 2012, and our shared aspiration has always been to embark on adventures and uncover new horizons. With a passion for backpacking and a desire to immerse ourselves in diverse cultures, we continue to create unforgettable experiences. Our dream has reached a new level today since we are full-time digital nomads living our dream, travelling the world one country at a time.


  • January 15, 2023

    Don’t wear a hat or sunglasses. Roll up your sleeves. Always stand and smile. No matter how long it takes, you are going to meet a person who is kind and brave. They are rare and worth waiting for.


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